Reliance on Masternaut telematics

Aug 06, 2015 • Fleet TechnologyNewsmasternautfield salesfleet managementtelematicsUncategorized

Water control systems and plumbing company Reliance Worldwide Corporation (UK) Ltd has improved mileage logging and slashed administration times after implementing a telematics system from Masternaut.

Reliance Worldwide has  implemented Masternaut telematics across its fleet of 26 cars, to accurately and effortlessly log all private and business mileage for its field sales team.

Reports are automatically sent to the administration manager on a weekly basis, breaking down the total mileage into business and personal, based on agreed cut off times for business related mileage. Employees use a fuel card to purchase all fuel, both private and personal, and a deduction is made from monthly pay in line with HMRC Fuel Advisory rates for any private mileage recorded. As such the process is HMRC compliant.

The Masternaut system has benefited the whole business, from the finance department to individual drivers, enabling authentication of business and private mileage, whilst storing data for regulatory compliance. This provides absolute transparency and avoids any over-claim issues.

 As a result of having the technology installed in all 26 vehicles, Reliance Worldwide has also managed to reduce insurance premiums across the fleet.

 “Expense and mileage logging is a heavy admin burden on any business, but the data and technology provided by Masternaut has helped us to eliminate that burden for our sales team,” commented Sally Pearson, administration aanager, Reliance Worldwide. “The support provided by the Masternaut team is excellent. We have reduced the company car drivers’ admin workload, eliminating the pain of manually logging their mileage. The reporting process gives total transparency on mileage across the business, giving a far more accurate picture on private mileage. By streamlining the process, we’ve given time back to our employees and saved them from an additional administration headache.”

Steve Towe, Chief Commercial Officer and UK Managing Director, Masternaut added, “Fleet car drivers are more likely to use their vehicles for both personal and work use, not something typically seen with vans or LCVs. Reliance Worldwide now has transparency on the actual mileage drivers have done allowing for a far more accurate picture of business versus private mileage. For many drivers, handling tax and expense claims can be a complex and time-consuming task, providing a real challenge to get everything right. Telematics is helping to reduce this burden.”



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