Why Field Service Companies Need to Invest in their Field Service Management Systems

Apr 21, 2020 • Featuresreturn on investmentVideofield servicefield service managementField Service Management SystemsHSO

In this exclusive Field Service News Documentary video series published in partnership with HSO, we look at three key cases that can convince your board to invest in the systems that can drive your field service operations forward and to the standards expected of modern field service delivery.



In the final instalment of this series Kris Oldland, Editor-in-Chief, Field Service News talks to Shilen Khimani, HSO about how the various areas discussed in this video series can be brought together to put a cohesive argument for investment in upgrading or replacing your field service management systems to your board.


Want to know more? There is a full documentary that dives deeper into this whole topic, which is available as premium content to fieldservicenews.com subscribers...

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