ARCHIVE FOR THE ‘enterprise-service-management’ CATEGORY

Field Service Industry Leaders: Jonas Granath, Polygon on adopting advanced services

Jun 25, 2018 • videoFeaturesManagementJonas GranathPolyflowPolygonRisk ManagementEnterprise Service Managementfield servicefield service managementIFSIoTService ManagementServitizationServitization and Advanced Services

Kris Oldland, Editor-in-Chief, Field Service News talks to Deputy CEO and COO of Polygon a company with over 3,500 field service engineers, about how his organisation has evolved over the last decade, the shift towards advanced services that has...

White Paper Overview: Digital Transformation and enterprise service management - what's next?

Jul 27, 2017 • FeaturesFuture of FIeld Serviceresourceswhite papersWhite Papers & eBooksDigital TransformationEnterprise Service Management

Resource Type: White Paper Published by:  IFS Title: Digital Transformation and enterprise service management - what's next?

The case for integrated, best of-breed enterprise service management

Aug 03, 2015 • FeaturesManagementCOnsultantsbest-of-breed field serviceBlumberg Advisory GroupEnterprise Service Managementfield serviceParts Pricing and Logistics

Service organisations who have integrated field service and reverse/service logistics processes report a higher level of service performance than those who have not, reports Michael R. Blumberg, President and CEO, Blumberg Advisory Group, which has...


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