Covid-19: An Overwhelming Opportunity to Improve Service Delivery

Jul 03, 2020 • NewsresearchAPACCovid-19EMEAnorth america

Field Service News is in the middle of an in-depth global research project. As we reach the half way stage we share some of the initial findings including that cover three quarters of service companies see an opportunity to improve service delivery in the next 12 months...

The study is being conducted across three key global regions, EMEA, APAC and North America and is run in partnership with WBR Asia, More Momentum and Field Service News. The aim of the research is to assess the global impact on the field service sector of the Covid-19 pandemic.

We all know that our industry has been hit harder by this crisis than anything we have faced before. However, if we are to plan both a speedy recovery, and mitigation of future challenges should we be hit by a second wave or another similar pandemic, we simply must understand in quantitate terms what that impact has been. 

As Peter Drucker famously stated, we cannot measure that which we do not manage. Now, more than ever before, is the time for strong management, strong leadership. So clear wide reaching data on that outlines the damage we have faced is crucial. 

While the survey is still running, already there are a number of emerging trends from companies as they react to the crisis

  • 56% of companies see acquiring digital competencies and a establishing a service culture as the a critical success factor to thrive in the upcoming disruption
  • 71% are enhancing their service sales model and capabilities
    • However, only 25% are developing their earnings or pricing model
  • 83% of companies see opportunities today to increase efficiency of service delivery, hence improving the margins
  • 50% see growth opportunities for services focusing on operational solutions for their clients, beyond product related services

We are seeking to build as accurate a picture as possible which will be distilled into a detailed report for the industry. The report will be available for purchase at a price of $195. However,  all participants within the research will be given a complimentary of this report. 

If you would wish to be part of this project and claim a free copy of the report as a participant then you do so by clicking this link