Working on Paper is Slow, Expensive, and Comes With Significant Risks

Sep 15, 2021 • FeaturesDigital TransformationSoftware and AppsGLOBALPraxedo

In the first article of a series of excerpts from a recent white paper published by Praxedo, we discuss how outdated operations can lead to losses to field services organisations and why it's important to switch to digital.

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This feature is just one short excerpt from a white paper published by Praxedo. subscribers can read the full white paper now by hitting the button below.

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We live in a modern, digital world where we’re surrounded by technology all of the time. And we rely on that techno- logy more than ever — to work, to manage our lives, and to have fun. The global pandemic has shown us how we can use technology in new ways, and in more aspects of our lives. There will be no going back.

As a field service provider working in the “new normal”, you’ll need to meet increasingly high expectations for digital operations from your customers and your em- ployees. If you continue working on paper, emails or dis- connected web-based tools like Google or DropBox, you won’t be able to meet those expectations. And you’ll face significant business risks:

  • Lower profits. Dealing with paper and emails at each stage of service delivery is time-consuming and cumbersome. The need to manually exchange pieces of paper slows service delivery, forces technicians to frequently return to the office, and extends billing times. These inef- ficiencies quickly eat into profit margins.
  • Lost data. Those many pieces of paper contain bu- siness-critical data you need for comprehensive and ac- curate billing. But paper is easily lost, misplaced, or da- maged in the field. Handwritten service reports that are incomplete, illegible, or inadequate for billing purposes further increase risks.
  • Poor customer perception. Delayed service and old- fashioned ways of working give customers the impression your business is behind-the-times. And it’s all-too-easy for customers to assume this lack of sophistication also reflects your technicians’ capabilities and expertise levels.

The Losses Associated with Outdated Operations Quickly Add Up

These risks affect every area of your business. It’s a vicious circle, with every loss compounding on another.

At a minimum, you’ll fall behind the competition. In the cost-conscious, and often crowded, world of field service, you need every possible advantage to edge out competi- tors. With fewer ways to differentiate and make a strong, positive impression on customers, it will be far more diffi- cult to stand out in the crowd.

You’ll also lose valuable technicians, especially those who grew up with digital devices in their hands. They’ll quickly become frustrated with old-fashioned, inconvenient, and unwieldy ways of working and jump to your more technologically advanced competitors.

"When field service providers can retain customers and renew contracts, they can spend less time worrying about how to win new business simply to make up for customers they’ve lost. It becomes much easier to grow the business"

Jim Baston, Field Service Industry Expert

Sales opportunities will decline. Customers who have a poor perception of your business are unlikely to expand their relationship with you, or recommend your services to other businesses. And, if they share negative reviews of your services, it will influence the decisions of other potential customers.

Finally, you will lose customers. Customers can choose who they work with. And their expectations are high. If customers don’t feel your business is responsive enough, or your technicians are adequately informed and equipped to look out for their best interests, they won’t hesitate to switch providers.

Field service providers who are working on paper simply cannot afford to continue working as they are.

It's Time to Go Digital

The good news is field service providers no longer need to struggle with slow, outdated, and disjointed ways of working. There are affordable technology solutions that address the challenges and risks they currently face, and bring additional business benefits.

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This feature is just one short excerpt from a white paper published by Praxedo. subscribers can read the full white paper now by hitting the button below.

If you are yet to subscribe you can do so for free by hitting the button and registering for our complimentary subscription tier FSN Standard on a dedicated page that provides you instant access to this white paper PLUS you will also be able to access our monthly selection of premium resources as soo as you are registered.

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Further Reading: