What type of efficiency hunter are you? Oneserve launches efficiency hunter challenge

Oct 27, 2014 • NewsOneserveSoftware and Appssoftware and apps

Mobile workforce experts Oneserve are inviting clients and their customers to take the Efficiency Hunter Challenge.

The challenge involves completing a quiz based on Oneserve’s four components of efficiency: Cost, Workflow, Workforce and Customer Satisfaction.

After answering a set of specially designed multiple choice questions participants are revealed as one of four efficiency heroes; Cost Crunching Hero, Workflow Warrior, Team Power Trooper or Satisfaction Supremo.

The Efficiency Hunter campaign is the brainchild of Oneserve Chairman Mark Tincknell, who said:

“We wanted to do something different, an engaging campaign that would resonate with business people everywhere.  Customers are at the heart of every business, but inefficiencies can undermine the customer experience and send costs soaring.”

Beyond the light-hearted approach of the quiz, participants are encouraged to take a serious look at efficiency by downloading a free white paper. The paper goes into detail about how to achieve efficiency in their field operations and how mobile workforce management software could help.

Mark added

“Through the power of analytics Oneserve gives business leaders transparency, veracity and the ability to understand and transform the performance of their business”.

The Efficiency Hunter campaign launches on 1st October. Find out what kind of efficiency hunter you are by clicking the link: http://www.oneserve.co.uk/efficiency-hunter