Field Service News Podcast: Research Findings - Field Service Technologies in 2014

Oct 27, 2014 • FeaturesSoftware & AppsmplsystemsPodcastResearch

Welcome to the latest edition of the Field Service News podcast. This month we are joined by Paul White, CEO of mplsystems as we revisit some exclusive research undertaken by Field Service News in partnership with mplsystems earlier this year.

The research set out to unlock exactly what technology is being used within the field service industries in 2014 and in this exclusive interview Paul and Field Service News Editor Kris Oldland discuss some of the most pertinent and surprising results and explore and extrapolate the meaning of these findings. Amongst the topics discussed are whether the ratio's of dispatchers to engineers in field service companies are actually lower than they should be, whether the smallest companies are getting short shrift from software providers and why mobile has changed the shape of the industry and whether it will continue to do so...

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