ARCHIVE FOR THE ‘scott-montgomerie’ CATEGORY

Augmented Reality: What is holding everyone back?

Apr 19, 2018 • FeaturesARAugmented RealityFuture of FIeld ServiceRemote AssistanceEvans ManolisHelp LightningHololensScope ARScott Montgomerie

Augmented Reality ticks all the boxes of a technology that could have a truly transformational impact on field service delivery and offers a viable solution to many of the challenges of an ageing workforce. However, 2017 research by Field Service...

Field Service News @ Field Service USA - Ft. Scott Montgomerie, ScopeAR

Jul 28, 2017 • videoAugmented RealityFuture of FIeld ServiceField Service USAScope ARScott Montgomerie

Kris Oldland, Editor-in-Chief, Field Service News reports from Field Service USA and talks to Scott Montgomerie of Scope AR about the role of Augmented Reality in Field Service

Scope AR Launches First Mixed Reality Smart Instruction Creation Platform for Microsoft HoloLens

Jul 28, 2017 • NewsAugmented RealityFuture of FIeld ServiceMicrosoftBrandon BrayHololensScope ARScott Montgomerie

Earlier this year at Microsoft Build 2017Scope AR, announced that its MR content authoring platform, WorkLink, now supports Microsoft HoloLens, and it's possible use by field service companies could potentially have a seismic disruptive effect...


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