Scope AR Launches First Mixed Reality Smart Instruction Creation Platform for Microsoft HoloLens

Jul 28, 2017 • NewsAugmented RealityFuture of FIeld ServiceMicrosoftBrandon BrayHololensScope ARScott Montgomerie

Earlier this year at Microsoft Build 2017Scope AR, announced that its MR content authoring platform, WorkLink, now supports Microsoft HoloLens, and it's possible use by field service companies could potentially have a seismic disruptive effect on how field service is delivered.

Using the smart instruction creation platform available on HoloLens, users can now quickly and easily produce highly interactive MR instruction and training content for deployment on HoloLens, the world's first, fully self-contained holographic computer. The integration provides WorkLink users with a completely hands-free MR experience, an essential step for remote workers trying to repair a piece of equipment or factory floor workers assembling complex machinery.

Through its built-in depth camera and sophisticated tracking technology, HoloLens is one of the best wearable devices for hands-free use of the MR applications so many organisations are seeking

"Through its built-in depth camera and sophisticated tracking technology, HoloLens is one of the best wearable devices for hands-free use of the MR applications so many organisations are seeking," said Scott Montgomerie, CEO of Scope AR. "With WorkLink now supporting the device, enterprises finally have a simple and easy way to digitise visual instructions at scale -- empowering all workers to become their own expert -- and begin to realise the full potential of MR."


With WorkLink, even non-technical HoloLens users will now be able to create their own MR-based step-by-step instructional content with nearly the same ease as creating a PowerPoint presentation. This enables organisations to quickly leverage and adapt MR across several facets of their business including training, repair, manufacturing and IT without having to create an application from scratch, which ultimately leads to improved employee efficiency, reduced downtime, increased safety records, decreased travel costs and better maintenance.

WorkLink supports untethered, markerless MR content and digital animations within a complete platform for data generation, feedback and analytics for complete compliance assurance. The platform is also the first fully agnostic authoring solution on the market to feature cross-platform publishing on Android, iOS and Windows simultaneously, allowing organisations to use their device of choice.

With this announcement, all current WorkLink subscribers now have access to the new HoloLens support, and all existing WorkLink instructions projects can be easily updated to take advantage of the device.

"Enterprise-class instructional content is one of the most impactful use cases across MR today. By providing a platform for anyone to customise their content easily for MR integration, Scope AR is making it easy for users to take advantage of the benefits of mixed reality using Microsoft HoloLens," said Brandon Bray from Microsoft.



Want to know more? Check out our exclusive interview with Scott Montgomerie filmed at Field Service USA here



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