ARCHIVE FOR THE ‘remote-assistance’ CATEGORY

IoT + AR in Field Service: Convergence of the Physical and the Digital

Oct 24, 2018 • FeaturesAugmented RealityConnected Field ServiceFuture of FIeld Servicefuture of field serviceMark BrewerRemote Assistancefield servicefield service managementIFSInternet of ThingsService ManagementManaging the Mobile Workforce

Mark Brewer looks at how and why the two big technologies that are set to alter our industry forever are likely to converge...

Connected Products Will Drive Transformation in Field Service

Sep 18, 2018 • FeaturesAly PinderArtificial intelligenceConnected productsFuture of FIeld ServiceIDCmanufacturingRemote AssistanceInternet of ThingsProactive Maintenance

Aly Pinder outlines how the growing trend for connected products is set to revolutionise the way we approach service...

Augmented Reality: What is holding everyone back?

Apr 19, 2018 • FeaturesARAugmented RealityFuture of FIeld ServiceRemote AssistanceEvans ManolisHelp LightningHololensScope ARScott Montgomerie

Augmented Reality ticks all the boxes of a technology that could have a truly transformational impact on field service delivery and offers a viable solution to many of the challenges of an ageing workforce. However, 2017 research by Field Service...

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