ARCHIVE FOR THE ‘alastair-clifford-jones’ CATEGORY

Leader: Digitalisation, Uberization, Servitization

Mar 02, 2018 • FeaturesAlastair Clifford-JonesAnup SharmaMagazine (digital editions)Michael BlumbergRei KasaiDave YarnoldInternet of ThingsservicemaxServitizationTeleflexCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

As we enter into another year it seems like the speed at which our industry seems to be hurtling forward is showing little signs of slowing down.

How the Battleground for Field Service is Changing

Feb 16, 2018 • FeaturesManagementAlastair Clifford-JonesContinuous ImprovementLeadentPreventative MaintenanceIoT

Alastair Clifford-Jones, CEO of Leadent looks at how the focus of field service is shifting towards driving strategy rather than being a recipient of it...

What makes a good RFP?

Feb 07, 2018 • FeaturesManagementAlastair Clifford-JonesLeadentRFP

Leadent CEO, Alastair Clifford-Jones discusses the fundamental elements that should come together when building a strong request for proposal document...


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