ARCHIVE FOR THE ‘giles-margerison’ CATEGORY

Green intentions? The end game of fleet sustainability examined

Mar 20, 2015 • FeaturesFleet Technologygiles margerisonfleetSustainabilitytomtom

Business motivations for running a green fleet can be many. Environmental ethics are laudable but the business case is clear and financial triggers can be equally compelling. Giles Margerison, Tom Tom Telematics’ Director UK & Ireland, explains how...

The legal cost of compromising your drivers' safety and how telematics can help

Sep 17, 2014 • FeaturesFleet Technologygiles margerisonLegal CostsFleet OperationstomtomUncategorized

In the wake of a BBC Panorama documentary highlighting the dangers of cognitive distraction among motorists, TomTom Telematics Director UK & Ireland, Giles Margerison, considers what road risk means for fleet managers and how it can be best managed.

Make hay while the sun shines - planning for a busy summer

Aug 08, 2014 • FeaturesFleet Technologygiles margerisonFleet Operationstelematicstomtom

Giles Margerison, TomTom Telematics Director UK & Ireland, considers how field service firms can best organise their resources to cope with the holiday season.


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