ARCHIVE FOR THE ‘david-bochenski’ CATEGORY

Breaking down silos: Why the flow of data is essential to modern service delivery...

Jun 28, 2019 • FeaturesCognito iQData AnalyticsFuture of FIeld ServiceKonica MInoltaDavid BochenskiDave WebbGed Cranny

It is often said that data will be the true currency of future businesses across all sectors, but have we already reached a point where the seamless flow of data within an organisation is now essential for effective service delivery?

Is Data the Fundamental Building Block of 21st Century Field Service Management?

Jun 14, 2019 • FeaturesAugmented RealityCognito iQData AnalysticsFuture of FIeld ServiceGDPRMobile TechnologyVideowearablesCloud computingIoTDavid Bochenski

The world of field service and the world of technology have been intertwined for a long time now. In today's world of IoT, Artificial Intelligence and machine learning it could be put forwards that Data is not the fundamental building block of field...


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