ARCHIVE FOR THE ‘operational-efficiency’ CATEGORY

Product Demonstration: Outsystems

Aug 26, 2019 • FeaturesSoftware & AppsOperational EfficiencyVideofirst time fixService Execution ManagementOutsystemsCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

The balance between achieving high levels of customer experience and delivering operational excellence that will drive service revenues forwards is a finely nuanced one. In this first excerpt from a video presentation run in partnership with...

The balance between customer satisfaction and operation excellence

Aug 19, 2019 • FeaturesSoftware & AppsOperational EfficiencyVideofirst time fixService Execution ManagementOutsystemsCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

The balance between achieving high levels of customer experience and delivering operational excellence that will drive service revenues forwards is a finely nuanced one. In this first excerpt from a video presentation run in partnership with...

Transforming Field Service Operations: A Global Insight

Jun 09, 2014 • FeaturesManagementmanagementOperational EfficiencyTrimbleCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

In recent years, the battle to improve operational efficiency in field service has been hard fought with businesses constantly looking for new ways to do more with fewer resources. As a result, business leaders are being forced to critically examine...


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