Telematics Systems Set For Growth Across Europe and North America

Apr 29, 2020 • NewsBerg InsightfleettelematicsLytx

Study says next five years will see significant uptake across both continents.

Number of monitored lone workers in Europe and North America Predicted to Rise, Report Says.

Feb 11, 2020 • ManagementNewshealth and safetyLone workerlone worker protectionBerg Insight

Number of Devices set to reach 2.2 million by 2023.

Shipments of cellular IoT gateways to reach 8.0 million by 2023

Jan 17, 2020 • Newsfuture of field serviceResearchBerg InsightIoT

Research forecasts IoT gateways, routers and modems shipments will hit 8.0 million by 2023.

Installed Base of Fleet Management Systems in Australia and New Zealand will Reach 1.8 Million Units by 2023

Jan 16, 2020 • Fleet TechnologyNewsresearchBerg Insightfleet

Research shows increase in fleet management systems in both countries.

Europe and Asia-Pacific leaders in multiple smart city applications

Jan 09, 2020 • Newsfuture of field serviceBerg Insightsmart automation

Berg Insight release new findings about the market for connected public spaces Including smart street lighting, smart parking, smart waste collection and smart city surveillance.

The installed base of fleet management systems in Russia/CIS and Eastern Europe to rise significantly by 2023

Dec 16, 2019 • NewsBerg Insightfleet

Systems set to reach 13.8 million, according to research.

Study says Installed Base of Fleet Management Systems in the Americas to reach 28 million units by 2023

Nov 28, 2019 • Fleet TechnologyNewsBerg Insightfleet

Report from Berg Insights says systems to reach 28 million units.

The number of smart homes in Europe and North America reached 64 million in 2018

Nov 19, 2019 • Newsfuture of field serviceBerg InsightSmart Home

According to a new research report from the IoT analyst firm Berg Insight, the number smart homes in Europe and North America reached 64 million in 2018.

Car Telematics Devices Will Reach 150Mn by year-end 2023, Says Report

Sep 06, 2019 • future of field serviceBerg Insightfleettelematicsreport

Installed-base of car telematics set to reach 150 million.
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