Leader: Digitalisation, Uberization, Servitization

Mar 02, 2018 • FeaturesAlastair Clifford-JonesAnup SharmaMagazine (digital editions)Michael BlumbergRei KasaiDave YarnoldInternet of ThingsservicemaxServitizationTeleflexCustomer Satisfaction and Expectations

As we enter into another year it seems like the speed at which our industry seems to be hurtling forward is showing little signs of slowing down.


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FSN_Issue22.inddIf anything it seems to be getting faster.

Across the last year, we saw the Internet of Things shift full throttle from being a concept adopted only by those on the leading edge to something that was very rapidly becoming mainstream within the field service sector. It seems that the technology is finally all beginning to fall into place and the dual rise in prominence of outcome-based services and preventative maintenance means that IoT is at the forefront of most service organisations as we move into 2018.

One of the earliest and major proponents and enablers of IoT within field service was, of course, ServiceMax and when we saw the first fruits of the union between them and GE earlier this year with integration between the ServiceMax solution and GE Digital's Asset Management Performance solution we perhaps saw one of the last major missing parts of the puzzle of how IoT can be embedded within a field service workflow slot right into place.

Indeed, the acquisition of ServiceMax by GE whilst coming perhaps out of leftfield initially appears to be making more and more sense and so far at least it seems that as opposed a technology being lost to the wider market when swallowed up by a behemoth of an organisation such as GE, ServiceMax are set to become an even more prominent player as part of the GE DIgital stable as they push out into hitherto uncharted markets with a message of service excellence for all. The vibe was certainly all positive at the European leg of Maximize towards the end of the year and you can find my exclusive interview with Dave Yarnold, Rei Kasai and Anup Sharma.

At the other end of the evolutionary spectrum, but with just as much potential impact on the field service sector is New York-based startup Nanowear. Wearables have never really hit the heights that they should have so far in the field service sector, but Nanowear's smart cloth has huge potential to be utilised in smart clothing that could reduce the risk for lone workers. These folks are just at the start of their journey but are certainly one to watch and you can read why I think so on.

However, whilst technology is undoubtedly playing a more and more dominant role in our industry, there are certain maxim's that hold true and once again we see the importance of adopting an outside-in viewpoint when it comes to establishing a high level of customer satisfaction being re-iterated by a number of our columnists in this issue.

Both Nick Frank and Jan Van Veen to authors whose opinion and contribution to our humble little magazine I value very highly, raise the importance of understanding the customers wants needs and desires in their articles on this topic here and here respectively.

Interestingly, it is also a key theme in my interview with Matt Boretti, Strategic Director, Teleflex who is just six months into his role establishing a new Customer Experience group of his organisation.

Meanwhile, Alastair Clifford-Jones really brings home the increasing importance of field service when he points out how the focus of field service is shifting towards driving strategy rather than being a recipient of it and Michael Blumberg delivers his usual excellent deep level insight into this issue's lead article exploring how field service companies can deal with digitalisation, uberization and servitization which you can find on page 26.

The field service sector as a whole is moving into 2018 with a swagger, service delivery is more important than ever before and ours is an industry that is now reaping the rewards for embracing emerging technologies.

Long may it continue!


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