Q&A: Is field service finally moving to the cloud? Ft. Paul Whitelam, ClickSoftware

Feb 14, 2017 • videoPaul WhitelamClickSoftwareCloud computingfield serviceSoftware and Apps

Paul Whitelam, VP Product Marketing, ClickSoftware answers questions put to him by the audience of a Field Service News webinar on Cloud computing and it's role in field service management.

Questions include:

  • How do you feel about transferring data between third party specialists and how moving to the Cloud may facilitate that?
  • You mentioned briefly in the webinar the additional computation powers of the Cloud - would you be able to explain exactly how that works in details (but please use layman's terms)
  • Is there any particular type of organisation moving to the Cloud?
  • Security aside - is there any other reason why a company would not want to move to the Cloud? [/unordered_list]

The full webinar itself explored data from over three years worth of research into the topic of Cloud computing as a platform for field service management systems, with Whitelam and Kris Oldland, Editor-in-Chief, Field Service News discussing the key findings of the data and exploring the trends it reveals.


To download a copy of the full webinar please click here

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