All About... The Mobility of Things...

Apr 25, 2013 • Mobility of ThingsDirectoryenterprise mobility managementEvents

Event information: 

Twitter: #TMOT2014
Location:The Brewery | 52 Chiswell St | London | EC1Y 4SD
Date: 18th September 2014

Go to The Mobility of Things for:

Enterprise Mobility is changing how we work, how we drive the customer experience, business processes and strategy.

The Mobility of Things will offer supreme clarity to help C-level business leaders define the Enterprise Mobility vision – laying the groundwork for heightened competitive advantage. The unprecedented, continuous change that mobility is bringing on the business means the role of IT leaders over the next three years will be critical. It starts here.

This exclusive one-day event will demystify the complexity and technical issues of the evolving mobile landscape and will provide an opportunity to expand your mobility business network through peer-to-peer ideas sharing. It will feature an all-day exhibitor zone, detailed break-out sessions and the chance to meet leading mobility industry professionals, organisations, analysts and technologists.

Keynote highlights from The Mobility of Things will include:

  •  The Critical Path to Enterprise Mobility Maturity – How Ready is Your Organisation?
    The 2014 IDC Mobility Maturity Model survey provides a peer-to-peer framework for mobility transformation. John Delaney, Associate Vice President, European Mobility at IDC will reveal how industry leaders from across Europe are using the model to build a more tailored roadmap to fast-track success.
  • Insights from the London 2012 Olympics: The Power of a Mobile-Enabled Approach to Customer Experience
    The London Olympics was the most connected games ever – integrated, seamless user experiences at their most sophisticated. Greg Nugent, Director of Brand, Marketing and Culture for the London Olympics and Paralympics, explains how they did it and, equally astounding, how things have moved on in the last two years.

Relevant watching ahead of The Mobility of Things: 


Relevant reading ahead of The Mobility of Things: 

Case Studies:

As the UK’s leading price comparison site, aims to “help people make the most of their money.” To do this, the company invests heavily in delighting its customers with pertinent recommendations that result from analysing customer data. Click here to read more. 


Arcadia Group

Arcadia Group is the UK's largest privately owned clothing retailer. To be a long term success in the world of High Street Fashion the Arcadia Group has had to be fast and flexible in its response to the changing demands of its consumers. As a result its IT requirements are equally demanding. Click here to read more...

White Papers: 

Enterprise Mobility Trends 2014: Going Beyond Enterprise Mobilit

Enterprise Mobility Trends:

The enterprise today is changing rapidly. The intersection of cloud,
mobility, social networking and the Internet, what analyst firm Gartner
calls the, “Nexus of Forces” is making most medium and large
enterprises rethink their enterprise mobile strategies. Click here to read more...

SapientNitro-Mobilityofthings-whitepaperSapientNitro Insights 2014
The third edition of Insights focuses on how brands are connecting technology and story, offering you a clear view of the disruptive, exciting changes taking place in today’s omni-channel, always-on world. Click here to read more...