Microlise Win Award for Driving Hazard Warning App

Oct 23, 2019 • NewsMIcrolisefleettelematics

Telematics outfit win Innovative New Product category at Commercial Fleet Awards. Microlise has won the Commercial Fleet Award for Innovative New Product 2019 for its Driver Hazard Warning (DHW)
The Microlise R&D team created the DHW app by layering the space ahead of a vehicle into regions. The UK-wide, DHW hazard database was then created by collating local authority information, crowd-sourced map data and Microlise’s own Big Data. app. 

The app warns drivers about height, weight and width issues as they approach them, but stops when a driver diverts away from the hazard.

Speaking after the award event, Microlise Chief Executive Officer, Nadeem Raza said: “Innovation is in our DNA and underpins our credentials as a global leader in telematics and transport management solutions. We are delighted to receive recognition for our DHW application as it addresses a very current and real issue for the road transport industry and for the wider community.

“DHW is the result of a concerted body of work, from the Microlise product management and development teams and draws on insight from customers and other stakeholder groups. We have made a significant investment to bring the application to market, to support hauliers and fleet operators in minimising bridge strikes and more widely, in helping to maintain the highest safety standards. We are also working on additional features to future-proof the application, by adding in other alerts including poor driving hotspots, seasonal weather–related events and crime hotspots.”