Laird Advances Wireless Power For Connected Cars

Jul 06, 2016 • Fleet TechnologyNewsfleet technology lairdNFC charging

Wireless charging advancements by global technology leader Laird have the industry poised for significant growth as major automotive and mobile device manufacturers look to incorporate Laird’s technology into the daily lives of drivers and passengers.

Laird engineers have created the next generation of wireless chargers, which Guido Dornbusch, Laird’s Vice President of Product Management for Connected Vehicle Solutions, said “are highly efficient” and “have virtually no extra losses compared to cable connectors.”

[quote float="left"]“By integrating NFC, wireless charging technology also can be combined with authentication, which opens up many more possibilities for use in the connected car,”[/quote] Laird is the leading global provider of end-to-end automotive connectivity services with solutions including antenna coupling and telematics control units as well as smart device integration products such as wireless charging.

Dornbusch says Laird’s latest white paper titled Removing Wires, Increasing Performance: Wireless Charging – An Automotive Expectation,” illustrates how Laird is incorporating wireless charging technology into several European and American automobiles. The white paper also talks about the future of wireless charging, the struggle to find a common industry standard, and Near Field Communication (NFC).

“By integrating NFC, wireless charging technology also can be combined with authentication, which opens up many more possibilities for use in the connected car,” Dornbusch explained. “Some examples are using smartphones as a key, especially helpful for car sharing applications, or automated payment processes.”

Earlier this month Laird announced plans to expand its connected vehicle research, development, and engineering operations. Earlier this year the company opened a new facility in Brazil and acquired Germany based automotive electronics supplier Novero. In 2014 the company also opened a new manufacturing site in Shanghai China.


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