Contractor job management app from Okappy

Jul 07, 2016 • Software & AppsNewsOKappyfield service managementSoftware and Apps

A contractor job management platform for field service and facilities companies has been developed by UK software company Okappy.

As many field service organisations have discovered, it's no fun trying to manage lots of subcontractors when they don’t have access to your internal job management software and take an age to return job sheets or reply to emails. The Okappy job management platform resolves these issues by allowing customers, employees and subcontractors to share information.

Field service organisations can connect to their customers and subcontractors, and receive jobs and then monitor the status of those jobs as they are updated by employees or subcontractors wherever they are. Job sheets can be tailored to suit specific requirements and images and signatures can be added.  Technicians can view customer history electronically and complete invoices.

“In the past jobs sent to subcontractors entered a black hole leading to the same problems that companies thought they’d got away from when they introduced job management software for their own employees,” points out Richard Harris, CEO of Okappy.

The Okappy platform was initially launched last year to plumbing and electrical contractors and already has thousands of users. Benefits reported include reduced paperwork and better management of their employees and subcontractors.

“Often these companies will have already invited their own customers on to the platform so it’s not a great leap for larger companies to get started and see the benefit as well”, says Harris



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