Study Shows Fleet Managers Losing Time to Admin Tasks

Apr 03, 2020 • Fleet TechnologyNewsresearch reportVerizon Connectfleet

Research from Verizon Connect shows some managers not utilising technology to offset basic tasks.

A survey into the behaviour of UK fleet managers has found the majority spend time on admin preventing them from focusing on daily tasks.


The research commissioned by Verizon Connect and conducted by Opinium interviewed UK 201 fleet managers who operate fleets of between three and 250 vehicles.

It revealed that two fifths of those interviewed spend 14 hours a week on general administrative tasks including route and schedule planning, the monitoring of driver behaviour and daily vehicle inspections.

The study also showed that less than half (47%) use fleet management technology to automate such tasks which Verizon says is the equivalent of nearly two full working days.

Fuel costs were highlighted as a particular concern for managers as was the search to find reliable drivers.

Derek Bryan, VP EMEA at Verizon Connect acknowledged that time pressure plays a huge part in fleet managers' day-to-day but said the use of technology can help negate this. "We know time is critical for fleet managers and many are tasked with trying to juggle lots of different tasks at one," he said. The introduction of a few simple technology tools can really make their life easier and help improve business efficiency."