Parsable Partner with Boston Management Consultancy

Apr 02, 2020 • NewsDigital TransformationIndustrialparsableBoston Consulting Group

Collaboration aimed at Industrial Firms targeting swift and large-scale digital transformation.

The software solutions provider Parsable have announced a partnership with Boston Management Consultancy Group (BCG).

Industrial Sector

Although not an exclusive arrangement, the collaboration will focus on the industrial sector and at firms looking to accelerate their digital transformation journey.

The two firms hope BCG's approach of impact driven strategies combined with Parsable's ability to deliver bespoke digital solutions will help industrial companies increase productivity through the use of digital tools.

Ben Cheng, Parsable's VP of Global Customer Operations explained how the collaboration would benefit those in the industrial sector. "This partnership brings together two game-changing competitive advantages for industrial companies: Parsable's deep industry knowledge and proven ability to quickly scale at a global level, and BCG's ability to drive large digital transformations for impact," he said.