Fixing the fleet: new Masternaut telematics module spots vehicle faults, so you don’t have to

May 13, 2016 • Fleet TechnologyNewsfleet technologymasternautvehicle maintenance

Masternaut, a leading provider of fleet telematics and vehicle tracking services, has launched a maintenance module for Masternaut Connect, giving fleet managers the ability to adopt a proactive approach to vehicle maintenance.

Masternaut Maintenance is based on Masternaut’s patented non-intrusive CANbus technology to collect vehicle data. This provides automatic and real-time information on servicing and vehicle faults on cars and commercial vehicles. It can save time and improve operations for fleet managers by helping to proactively plan fleet maintenance operations, and gives an instant overview of a fleet’s condition, improving vehicle availability.


“We wanted to offer a maintenance tool kit that gives an immediate overview of fleet compliance, with quick access to information and something that can help them save time and money through efficiency gains”        -Steve Towe, Masternaut

We wanted to offer a maintenance tool kit that gives an immediate overview of fleet compliance, with quick access to information and something that can help them save time and money through efficiency gains"        -Steve Towe, Masternaut


The Masternaut Maintenance dashboard provides users with a top down look of their fleet, highlighting the percentage of vehicles that are fully operational, the number of vehicles that need servicing now or in future, and the number of vehicles with faults. This enables fleet managers to reduce vehicle turnover and improve vehicle lifetime, with improved maintenance also helping to reduce fuel consumption.

This information helps fleet managers to keep vehicles and employees safe and ensures a high level of fleet compliance. Masternaut Maintenance keeps a complete record of service and fault history for each vehicle which can reduce breakdowns and improve safety on the road.

Steve Towe, Chief Commercial Office and UK Managing Director, Masternaut, commented “Masternaut Maintenance has been launched with our customers and partners in mind, and provides a deeper level of diagnostic solutions than available on the market today, which only identify engine and transmission related failures. We wanted to offer a maintenance tool kit that gives an immediate overview of fleet compliance, with quick access to information and something that can help them save time and money through efficiency gains. This will help fleet managers become more proactive when it comes to fleet maintenance operations, offering improved planning and vehicle turnaround time.”

Alex Rothwell, Chief Technology Officer, Masternaut adds: “Our patented non-intrusive technology combined with Masternaut Connect is already providing our fleet customers and partners with the in latest telematics innovations, such as improved driver behaviour and fuel reduction. Masternaut Maintenance takes or our offering one step ahead to help strengthen and improve the services that we offer to European fleets, by  giving instant information on vehicle faults and servicing status."


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