Ericsson continue 5G global roll-out with Korea Commercial Deal

Apr 09, 2019 • News5Gfuture of field serviceEricssonn

KT Corporation (formerly Korea Telecom) awards firm contract to launch commercial 5G in April.

Ericsson has been awarded a commercial contract with South Korea's largest telephone company, KT Corporation (KT), to deliver 5G coverage to the country.

The deal follows KT's in November to use Ericsson as their overall 5G supplier and this new arrangement is set to align with the first wave of commercially available 5G ready smartphones in April, in what will be the world's first nationwide provision of 5G commercial services.

Korean consumers are known as early adopters of technology such as advances in mobility, gaming, streaming, infotainment, and interactive functionality. Commenting on the relationship with Ericsson Jinho Choi, Vice President, Access Network Design, KT, said the imminent arrival of 5G will affirm the county's lofty position in the technology sector. “Korea is one of the most competitive and technology-advanced markets in the world," he said. "By taking a global lead to enable nationwide commercial 5G services through commercially available 5G smartphones, KT is demonstrating our commitment to our customers and showing how we can drive a global 5G ecosystem where Korea plays a key role.”