3PLs Need to Improve Customer Satisfaction levels, Survey Finds

Apr 08, 2019 • NewsSurveyThird Party Service ProviderParts Pricing and Logistics

New research reveals Third Party Logistic Suppliers are scoring low in customer satisfaction rates.

A survey into companies attitudes towards their Third Party Logistic Suppliers (3PLs) has shown less than a fifth (18%) were happy with the service they were receiving.

The survey, conducted by supply chain and logistics consultancy SCALA, sought opinion from both companies and 3PLs with the topline results highlighting significant discrepancies between the satisfaction levels 3PL customers have with their Third-Party Logistics suppliers, and the perceived satisfaction rates of the 3PLs themselves.

The findings showed 3PLs had an exaggerated sense of satisfaction and optimism when it came to their own perceived customer satisfaction rates with 38% believing their customers are “very satisfied” with their performance, which is more than twice their customers’ actual levels. However, 15% of 3PLs also conceded that their clients were very dis-satisfied.

John Perry, Managing director at SCALA, said both parties could learn from the survey's findings. “Two things are clear from this research," he commented. "Firstly, customers of 3PLs need to be more vigilant in their approach to tendering, awarding and managing their 3PL contracts. Secondly, 3PLs should be doing more to increase satisfaction levels amongst their customers and identifying better ways to accurately gauge the state of their customer relationships.

You can download the full report here.