Beginning the Remote Service Journey

Sep 24, 2021 • FeaturesWhite PaperDigital TransformationIFSCovid-19Remote ServicesGLOBAL

In the first article of a series of excerpts from a recent white paper published by IFS, we look at companies that have accelerated adoption of remote services in their operation during the pandemic.

IFS Whats Your Remote Service Strategy?

This feature is just one short excerpt from an white paper recently published by IFS. subscribers can read the full white paper now by hitting the button below.

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In the midst of COVID, one of the most talked-about and widely leveraged digital toolsets was augmented and merged reality tools that enable remote interaction, collaboration, and service.

In a time of lockdowns and travel restrictions, software that blends two real-time video streams into an interactive environment proved incredibly useful as a business continuity measure for countless businesses, but particularly for field service organizations.

To be fair, many companies had begun using augmented reality and remote assistance technologies prior to the pandemic – but the conditions of COVID rapidly accelerated adoption by those who had not yet considered the role of remote service in their operations. I’ve written about the value proposition of augmented reality for years and am a huge proponent of the impact it can have on remote customer support and resolution, remote diagnosis to increase first-time fix, better utilization of valuable resources, as well as more rapid employee training and knowledge transfer.

What makes for the most interesting conversation today, however, and the purpose of this report is to explore the role remote service will play in a post-COVID world. The

use of the technology when on-site visits are impossible or unsafe is very simple to understand and put into action. What begs a harder question is how organizations who have turned to remote assistance tools for those business continuity purposes will evolve their use of the technology and incorporate it into their overarching service strategy as we move forward. Is it a key enabler of a remote-first service strategy? Or just another tool in the arsenal to improve customer outcomes? This is the question many companies are grappling with as service conditions normalize.

To weigh in on this topic, I invited some of the service leaders I’ve talked with over the last year about their companies’ uses of remote service. On the following pages, we discuss some of the key points related to determining the fit for remote service in your business and how to maximize its potential to create efficiency gains, customer satisfaction, and competitive differentiation.

Beginning the Remote Service Journey

Some of these companies were leveraging remote assistance tools pre-pandemic, others quickly turned to the technology to ensure service could persist throughout the pandemic.

For those who were already leveraging remote assistance, there’s a sense of relief that the investment had been made and that the technology could serve as a means for business continuity in incredibly uncertain times. For those who had the foresight when COVID struck to very quickly get the technology in place, it is clear that it wasn’t an investment made only as a means to survive the pandemic – but a technology that could have both short and long term benefits.

RICOH is one of the companies that had already been leveraging augmented reality before COVID hit but saw use spike 775% when agents and technicians’ normal business practices were impacted. “Originally, we started a Dispatch Avoidance program, now rebranded as Remote Resolution, to focus our service in three key areas (Field Service, Onsite Managed Services, and Commercial Print). All three areas targeted different processes and elements, but in the end, were all primarily focused on shifting support “left” and integrating technology such as augmented reality as part of the process, providing tech to tech support,” says Dr. Marlene R. Kolodziej, DBA, ITIL, Vice President, Centralized Services at RICOH Digital Services. “We did experience an increase in skill set for those resources in the field, since they were potentially supporting devices through augmented reality that they had never supported previously, thereby increasing their knowledge and skills, as well as a shift to increase calls resolved at first level instead of routing to the field.”

While RICOH was able to rely on use of the technology during the pandemic, and therefore saw the 775% spike in use, that rate has normalized now to 150% of pre- pandemic use. “We have also successfully deployed our truck driver MFP Program, using augmented reality with our truck driver delivery program to reduce the deployment of a new MFP from three visits to one. Previously a truck driver would deliver an MFP to the customer, then a field service technician would visit the customer to perform the installation, then the truck driver would return to pick up the old device. Now the truck driver works with our technicians and installs the printer using augmented reality, as well as deliver new/retrieve old MFP, all in the same visit,” says Marlene.

Smart Care Equipment Solutions also had augmented reality in place prior to COVID, but its experience with the technology during the pandemic was far different than RICOH just based on its industry. “We initially invested in the technology because we were looking at two pieces of equipment that had high complexity and a high callback ratio for us: ice machines and combi-ovens in this industry, because remarkably, both of them have electronic controls and both of them have a lot of water with them. There was enough of a gap between those two pieces and all the rest of the equipment and we turned to remote service because we wanted figure out how we could bring the competencies of our trainers, who knew those pieces of equipment well, out to the field more quickly to drive down those callback ratios,” says Gyner Ozgul, COO of Smart Care Equipment Solutions. “We had just kicked this off before the pandemic hit and of course our industry was heavily impacted with restaurant closures. I’m pretty confident that it’s going to have a bigger impact as things normalize.”

Utility FortisBC is an example of a company that turned to remote assistance specifically to adjust to trying to maintain service amidst pandemic circumstances. “We were limited in entry into our customers’ premises,” explains Scott Lowes, Construction Supervisor at FortisBC. “Remote service software has allowed our field employees to continue working and providing the best possible customer experience throughout the pandemic, while increasing their safety and reducing potential exposures.” While FortisBC’s initial use of remote surface stemmed from the pandemic, the organization sees potential for use of the technology far beyond those needs.

"We turned to remote service because we wanted figure out how we could bring the competencies of our trainers, who knew those pieces of equipment well, out to the field more quickly to drive down those callback ratios."

Gyner Ozgul, COO of Smart Care Equipment Solutions

Munters had remote service on its radar before COVID, but it was on the future roadmap of technology investments. When the pandemic struck, the company saw the opportunity to act fast and speed up this portion of its plans as a way to persist through COVID conditions but also set the stage for post-pandemic success. “We’d been researching remote service applications prior to COVID, primarily looking at how to enable third-line support for technicians. When COVID hit, we saw the opportunity to act fast on the use of the technology in a different way, which was directly with customers,” describes Roel Rentmeesters, Director of Global Customer Service at Munters.

The company was able to act adeptly on the potential for remote service, acting fast to select IFS Remote Assistance and deploying it to more than 200 users across 20-plus countries in just two weeks.

“As our initial use unfolded, we quickly realized we could also use the technology in other areas of the business impacted by COVID, For instance, we used remote assistance to open new manufacturing facilities that previously required travel that became restricted. We also recognized the opportunity to use this technology to train junior technicians – if they get stuck on a job, they can interface with a more experienced resource to aid in resolution,” says Roel. “While the initial use began during COVID, it has become embedded in our organization. Does it mean that every technician is using it? No, but customers accept it and welcome it because you give a faster response than you used to be able to do. It’s more efficient because you don’t need to go onsite before you do it. So, it has become part of our daily way of working and our solutions towards customers.”

"We have also successfully deployed our truck driver MFP Program, using augmented reality with our truck driver delivery program to reduce the deployment of a new MFP from three visits to one"

Marlene Kolodziej, Vice President, Centralized Services at RICOH Digital Services

Panasonic Heating & Cooling Solutions Europe also acted fast to put remote service in place for business continuity during COVID. “Remote assistance was not yet on our road map prior to COVID. The pandemic obviously advanced the need to have something in place pretty quickly. We started this journey with IFS around April of 2020, right at the UK lockdown time. And of course, primarily, we wanted to provide support to customers. We couldn’t dispatch our engineers in the way that we were used to doing, whether that was for direct line product support or some kind of technical support,” says Karl Lowe, Head of Panasonic European Service at Panasonic Heating & Cooling Solutions Europe. “What we’ve found since we’ve gone live with this technology is that our resolution time has been really quick. We’ve had cases where we’ve had a heating problem in a client’s home, and we’ve been able to use IFS to have the heating operational again within 16 minutes. Normally, that would mean maybe a day’s wait for an engineer to be available and then the engineer would drive to site and then spend some time on site. With remote service, within 16 minutes, the heating is back on and the client is happy. It’s helped us and it’s also helped the client. When it comes to heating, if it’s down and it’s not operating, the customer can’t wait too long before there’s a solution. So, for us, IFS Remote Assistance is key to be able to provide high first-time fix rates, high resolution rates but quickly, so that the downtime is kept to a minimum.”

The company has also been struck by the unique way in which remote service technology allows the sharing and transfer of knowledge in an easily accessible, global manner. “Panasonic has tended to work almost silo by silo or country by country, just because that’s how we’ve been organizationally set up. But what we’ve found with remote assistance is that location doesn’t really matter anymore. As such, we’ve been able to network and link our service organizations together,” explains Karl. “So rather than being a siloed service organization, say for example, the UK, has been able to call in an expert from Panasonic in Germany, obviously language allowing. But bringing them into the call to support them. That enables greater knowledge transfer, which certainly for me, is super important because you do get those technicians that have been in companies for an awful long time, they’ve got a wealth of experience. And it’s difficult sometimes to get that experience out into the younger members of the team, the least experienced guys that are struggling to pick up that knowledge. Where with IFS Remote Assistance, we’ve been able to bring them into calls to provide, again, a quicker solution for the customer but also the engineer learns something at the same time as well."

IFS Whats Your Remote Service Strategy?

This feature is just one short excerpt from an e-book recently published by IFS. subscribers can read the full e-book now by hitting the button below.

If you are yet to subscribe you can do so for free by hitting the button and registering for our complimentary subscription tier FSN Standard on a dedicated page that provides you instant access to this white paper PLUS you will also be able to access our monthly selection of premium resources as soo as you are registered.

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 Further Reading: