Anywhere, anytime – Proact shapes new working paradigm at iba AG

Dec 13, 2018 • NewscloudEnterprise Mobilityfield servicefield service technologyIT ServicesSoftware and AppsEnterprise Workingiba AGProactManaging the Mobile Workforce

In today’s digitalised world, employees must have access to databases and communication applications wherever they might be and on whatever device they wish to use. The fixed workstation generation is over. With more than 140 employees in 20 countries across the globe, iba’s IT infrastructure has to be able to support mobile working, while being reliable and providing the right levels of performance.

iba AG approached data centre specialist and cloud service provider Proact to help its staff enter today’s mobile paradigm and to also optimise its existing infrastructure. Everything started with analysis - to define goals and the services that were needed. After this Proact’s experts developed a cost-efficient and future-proof concept that integrated enterprise-class technology with existing solutions to create a highly unified solution.

As a result of Proact’s solution, all workloads, including the development environment, are now underpinned by two identically equipped data centres. To establish a truly turbo IT platform, Proact consolidated data and included symmetrical replication to ensure effective disaster recovery, centralised management, data protection and efficient use of resources. Ultimately, iba AG now has the performance capabilities so staff can access IT services as and when they need them.

“Proact understood our requirements for this solution right from the start and thought very efficiently and customer-oriented when designing the systems and licenses,” says Marc Besten, IT Infrastructure & Security at iba AG.

To learn more about this exciting partnership and the benefits IBA is gaining through this solution, please visit:


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