All about... Astea

Mar 01, 2013 • AsteaField Service Software ProvidersField Service Software Providers directory listing

Contact information:

Key Contact: John Hunt
Phone:+44 (0) 1628 915 100


Services Provided by Astea:


  • Customer management
  • Depot repair
  • Service management
  • Asset management
  • Scheduling optimisation
  • Contract & warranty management
  • Forward & reverse logistics management
  • Mobile workforce management



About Astea:

Astea International is a global provider of end-to-end service management software solutions that offer all the cornerstones of service lifecycle management, including; customer management, depot repair, service management, asset management, warranty management, forward and reverse logistics management and mobile workforce management and optimisation.

Astea’s solutions link processes, people, parts, and data to empower companies and provide the agility they need to achieve sustainable value in less time, and successfully compete in a global economy.

Since 1979, Astea has been helping more than 600 companies drive even higher levels of customer satisfaction

Since 1979, Astea has been helping more than 600 companies drive even higher levels of customer satisfaction with faster response times and proactive communication, creating a seamless, consistent and highly personalized experience at every customer relationship touch point.


Astea has licensed applications to companies, around the world, in a wide range of sectors including Medical Device & Diagnostics; IT/High Tech Equipment; Imaging/Copiers/Office Equipment; Industrial Equipment; Scientific & Technical Instruments; HVAC; Process Controls & Instrumentation; Construction; Point of Sale Equipment; Telecommunications; Food Service Equipment; Fire & Security; Professional/IT Services; Property/Facilities Management Services; and Gaming/Leisure Equipment.

Our market-proven solutions enable companies to:

  • Streamline and automate business processes
  • Reduce the contract-to-cash cycle
  • Identify incremental sales opportunities and improve revenue recovery
  • Eliminate non-value added workflows
  • Enhance resource utilisation and reduce downtime
  • Coordinate efforts of sales, marketing and service organisations
  • Improve compliance with Service Level Agreements (SLAs), contracts and warranties
  • Synchronize every customer touch point for increased customer satisfactio


Latest Video from Astea 

Watch the On-Demand Webinar now to learn about:

  • The current state of field technician labor force
  • Profile of real-life millennial technicians
  • How to improve your technician recruiting, hiring, training and development
  • Explore contingent and third-party workforces



Resources from Astea

Infographic: 6 Biggest Field Service Trends for 2018

According to TSIA’s State of Field Services, there are 6 major trends you must understand if you want to succeed in 2018 and beyond.

Download the infographic to learn how to embrace all 6 field service trends including:

  • How to evolve from response-time contracts to resolution-time service contracts
  • What innovative service offering can help your clients get higher ROI on equipment
  • How “digital twins” help hardware manufacturers offer ‘Product-as-a-Service’ models
  • How to get paid a fair price for the value you create by adding capabilities to meet new customer demands


View Infographic



Aberdeen Report: A Maturing Mobile Field Service Landscape

As mobile field service evolves beyond location tracking, here’s what needs to be in your mobile strategy if you don’t want to fall behind.

Download the Aberdeen report to learn:

  • The top challenges “Mature” mobile field service organizations are facing
  • Best practices for connecting offline systems to always-on environments
  • Key considerations for upgrading your mobile infrastructure
  • How to improve knowledge management and track service performance in real-time


Access White Paper



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