Workshop: Making the shift to services

Nov 02, 2016 • NewsFuture of FIeld ServiceServitizationUniversity of Cambridge

Run by the University of Cambridge, in the Institute for Manufacturing, this two-day workshop is designed for engineers, managers and senior executives involved in any aspect of the design and delivery of services.



Date: Wednesday 23 to Thursday 24 November 2016




Making the shift to services is difficult and remains an aspiration for many firms. Arriving at a clear vision of the service offering is often the first stumbling block. What will be offered and how? What are the risks? How do we deliver and create – as well as capture – value?

Drawing on the latest work from the Cambridge Service Alliance, this thought-provoking and practical two-day workshop considers how to design the shift to services.

What you will learn

By the end of the workshop, you will be able to use tools to design new services and improve existing ones and support the successful integration of services into your organisation.

The workshop covers topics including:

  • New thinking for service design
  • Understanding the ecosystem – expanding your strategic horizons
  • Defining the business model – focusing on your customers’ needs
  • Planning your service strategy journey
  • Innovating the value delivery system – aligning resources and partners
  • Service emotion – identifying and managing the customer’s ‘emotion journey’
  • The role of big data – optimising service delivery and designing better solutions

Find out more

See the Institute for Manufacturing website for more information and to book your place

Comments from previous attendees

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  • "A key learning for me was how to take a structured approach to fleshing out and refining a new service or existing service"
  • "The collaborative work created opportunities to learn different perspectives"
  • "The tool set provided is practical and useful"
  • "Great overall process of understanding how to develop new business opportunities and understanding the customer perspective"




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