Wokingham adopts Yotta's Mayrise software for street works management

Jul 14, 2015 • Newslocal authoritiesSoftware and AppsstreetworksManaging the Mobile Workforce

Real-time monitoring of workflows is driving efficiencies in monitoring and management of street works in Wokingham, Surrey, following the adoption of Mayrise Street Works from Yotta.

Wokingham Borough Council has introduced mobile working for its street works staff  that allows them to check compliance of works, report overstays and recommend fixed penalty notices using Mayrise Street Works.  The software is designed as a complete solution for local and highways authorities managing street work notices and includes mobile working functionality that allows street works officers to access up to date information in order to monitor works in progress and investigate completed works. It is reducing the reliance on paper records and unnecessary trips to the office, thereby maximising officers’ time in the field and productivity.

The software is reducing the reliance on paper records and unnecessary trips to the office.

Graham Barnwell, Traffic Manager at the council commented, “The introduction of mobile working in street works, supported by Yotta’s Mayrise software, is already delivering operational efficiencies. By enabling officers to access the information they need, when they need it, we are allowing staff to focus on the job in hand. By reducing the need for inspectors to return to the office or interrupt colleagues to obtain relevant information we are already seeing an increase in productivity and improvement in the service we provide to the community.”


The council is currently using rugged Honeywell Dolphin mobile computers running Mayrise Street Works Mobile software. The devices allow the Council’s street works officers and inspectors to remotely access the Street Works Register in order to research activities in progress and investigate works after they have been completed.

Using their mobile devices staff working in the field can also generate defect inspection reports, recommend fixed penalty notices and check compliance with permit conditions. Inspectors can report overstays to provide evidence of an offence which sends a warning to the promoter that the works are overrunning. Defect notices can be directly sent to the works promoter, mapped and with photographic evidence this ensures the utility has the information to locate and fix the apparatus in the quickest possible time.

Mayrise Street Works is designed to ensure best practice and provide up to date information on the status of all works. It also offers full compliance with the revised EToN 6 specification which aims to further reduce the impact of roadworks, through the better co-ordination and sharing of information between local authorities and utility firms.



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