White Paper Overview: The Uberization of Field Service

Mar 23, 2017 • FeaturesresourcesWhite Papers & eBooksWhite Papers. ResourcesClickSoftwarefield serviceUberization of field service

Resource Type: White Paper
Published by:  ClickSoftware
Title: The Uberization of Service: A consumer and supplier view


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With the advent of real-time communications and new technologies such as social media, wearables, IoT, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence, there are countless opportunities for businesses to transform customer service. Key research from ClickSoftware presented in this white paper looks to the challenges of the near future of field service...

ClickSoftware, have commissioned a global industry and consumer research project to further understand consumer expectations when it comes to services being delivered to the home.

By comparing this with field service supplier plans to implement and enhance their offering and roll out new technologies, the survey set out to make comparisons between the two in a rapidly changing landscape, and uncover any discernable gaps or challenges in the provision of a great customer experience. The findings of this research are in this report.

Download this white paper published by ClickSoftware to find out:

  • How the ‘Uberization of service’ is driving a more demanding, hard-to-satisfy, customer base
  • Why 61% of all respondents globally have cited ‘customer satisfaction’ as a key priority
  • Detailed analysis of Consumer vs. Supplier Findings and how the needs of customers and focus of suppliers marry


The modern day consumer has a new perspective on customer service, and irrespective of sector or business, they expect and demand a level of real-time communication and visibility. Service levels provided from retailers, such as Amazon and Uber, are driving expectations across the board, forcing other industries to play catch up.

With this in mind, ClickSoftware, the leading provider of field service management software, commissioned global industry and consumer research to further understand consumer expectations when it comes to services being delivered to the home. By comparing this with field service supplier plans to implement and enhance their offering and roll out new technologies, the survey set out to make comparisons between the two in a rapidly changing landscape, and uncover any

With the advent of real-time communications and new technologies such as social media, wearables, IoT, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence, there are countless opportunities for businesses to transform customer service

With the advent of real-time communications and new technologies such as social media, wearables, IoT, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence, there are countless opportunities for businesses to transform customer service. The research highlights the differences in expectations versus reality, critical in an age where organisations can no longer expect customers to accept the old way of operating.


It also points out one key difference: suppliers are focused on the delivery of new technologies rather than recognising that optimised, real-time communications and a transparency for service delivery are high on the customer agenda. The survey results also highlight some key differences in expectations and communications methods by geographic region, underscoring the complexity of running an international field service business, where end users in each region expect different things from customer service.

The white paper then moves into three key sections:

Executive Summaries: Consumer Survey

Overall, the survey responses show customer expectations are increasing across the board, with the ‘Uberization of service’ driving this and generating a more demanding, hard-to-satisfy, customer base. Essentially, customers know that the advent of technology now allows for engineer location tracking and up-to-the-minute communication, and they have come to expect this

Executive Summaries: Supplier Survey

When field service suppliers were asked which measure of field service management their organisation values most, an average of 61% of all respondents cited ‘customer satisfaction’ as the top field service measure, with as many as two-thirds of those polled in Australia selecting this answer.

Comparative Survey Analysis:

The final section of the white paper is the most detailed and insightful, bringing the data from these two essential pieces of research to identify the most important trends appearing on both sides of the service spectrum. With the data laid out in clear graphical formats accompanied by well thought out and intelligent analysis, it is advised reading for any senior field service professional.



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