UK Survey Reveals Wariness to Robot/Human relationships in the workplace

Mar 21, 2019 • NewsArtifical intelligneceArtificial intelligenceFuture of FIeld Service

Over half of those surveyed said they would feel uncomfortable working with a robot as a colleague or manager in the future.

A study by, conducted by YouGov, showed British people would be reluctant to form a work relationship with a robot.

When asked how they feel about having a robot as a manager, 66% of men and 75% of women said they would feel "uncomfortable" with such an arrangement. 

The survey questioned 2,041 people and looked to gauge the British public's attitude to robots, given the rise of Artificial Intelligence smart-devices such as Amazon's Alexa appearing in UK homes.

"Whilst the idea seems far-fetched," said the accompanying press release, "the idea that robots could become part of everyday life has become a topic of conversation. Robot-human relationships has become a concept many have begun to form an opinion on."