The Skill Gap, Illustrated

Oct 26, 2020 • FeaturesWhite PaperDigital Transformationfield service managementAquant

This third excerpt from a recent white paper published by Aquant we see an interesting snapshot of the distance that exists between the highest and lowest performers on an organizational level and the consequences of an imbalance of knowledge within each service team.

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the team snapshot: the distance between heroes and challengers within an organization

First, let’s take a step back. Seasoned service leaders spend a lot of time looking at data dashboards to put the clues together. You may have scanned all the individual KPI stats above and thought to yourself, “Our organization is in pretty good shape. We fall well within the average.”

The problem? Those above KPIs are only telling part of the story.

A better way to think about the success of a service team is to understand how big of a skills gap exists between your best technicians and underperformers. That will help you hone in on underlying service issues.

To determine the skills gap we calculated the percentage difference between heroes and challengers across all organizations. We divided it into:

  • Top performing organizations

  • Average performing organizations

  • Poor performing organizations

It’s more important to understand if there’s knowledge equality within your service teams as opposed to measuring success by KPI alone. If there’s a large gap between heroes and challengers, service will be more costly and less effective.

Why The Skills Gap Matters:

A bigger distance between heroes and challengers leads to:

  • Heavier workload on your already overburdened experts
  • Increase in service costs
  • Decrease in customer satisfaction
  • Uptick in customer churn
  • Less capacity for organizational resilience Negative impact on growth



Advanced detective skills aren’t required to understand the benefits of a knowledgeable workforce.

Here is the cost savings associated with upskilling your workforce a little and a lot. Screenshot 2020-10-25 at 11.29.23


Screenshot 2020-10-01 at 18.16.02

Look out for the final feature in this series coming next week where we discuss the next steps to take now that you where and what to look in your service data.

However, subscribers can read the full white paper now by hitting the button below. If you are yet to subscribe you can do so for free by hitting the button and you can access the white paper instantly upon completing the registration form!



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Further Reading: