ARCHIVE FOR THE ‘tomtom-telematics-telematics’ CATEGORY

Fleet-based SMEs see Digitisation as Productive Initiative, study reveals

Apr 03, 2019 • Fleet TechnologyNewsdigitizationsmart automationSMEsSurveyTom TomTomTom Telematics; telematics

Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) who use vehicles are aware of digitisation benefits but many still rely on manual processes.

TomTom Telematics integrates with Salesforce CRM

Jun 21, 2016 • Fleet TechnologyNewscloudSalesforceTomTom Telematics; telematics

TomTom Telematics has announced the launch of  WEBFLEET for Sales Cloud, an app that integrates TomTom’s WEBFLEET telematics platform with Salesforce, making it easier for sales staff to use the CRM system on the road. It will also enable companies...


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