ARCHIVE FOR THE ‘the-big-discussion’ CATEGORY

The Big Discussion: The Internet of Things (part four)

Aug 05, 2017 • FeaturesFuture of FIeld ServiceMark BrewerMark HomerPaul WhitelamClickSoftwareIFSIoTservicemaxThe Big Discussion

In the Big Discussion we take one topic, bring together three leading experts on that topic and put four key questions to them across four weeks to help us better understand its potential impact on the field service sector...

The Big Discussion: The Internet of Things (part three)

Jul 28, 2017 • FeaturesFuture of FIeld ServiceMark BrewerMark HomerPaul WhitelamClickSoftwareIFSIoTservicemaxThe Big Discussion

In the Big Discussion we take one topic, bring together three leading experts on that topic and put four key questions to them across four weeks to help us better understand its potential impact on the field service sector...

The Big Discussion: The Internet of Things (part two)

Jul 21, 2017 • FeaturesFuture of FIeld ServiceMark BrewerMark HomerPaul WhitelamClickSoftwareIFSIoTservicemaxThe Big Discussion

In the Big Discussion we take one topic, bring together three leading experts on that topic and put four key questions to them across four weeks to help us better understand its potential impact on the field service sector...

The Big Discussion: The Internet of Things (part one)

Jul 14, 2017 • FeaturesFuture of FIeld ServiceMark BrewerMark HomerPaul WhitelamClickSoftwareIFSIoTservicemaxThe Big Discussion

In the Big Discussion we take one topic, bring together three leading experts on that topic and put four key questions to them across four weeks to help us better understand its potential impact on the field service sector...

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