Is culture the missing link to great knowledge sharing in field service?

Feb 05, 2015 • FeaturesFuture of FIeld Serviceknowledge basesjohn ragsdalesmartvan

Understanding and extracting the value of the knowledge within your field service engineers is not just beneficial but essential for field service organisations writes Derek Korte, Editor of

Turning your field service techs into money makers….

Dec 21, 2014 • FeaturesManagementmanagementfield service revenuesmartvan

We take a look at some of the advice of our good friends at on how to start seeing clear revenue streams from service techs.

The skills tomorrow's field service engineer will need...

Sep 09, 2014 • FeaturesManagementmanagementservicemaxskillssmartvan

From Tesla’s electric cars to Siemens’ MRI machines, high-tech devices gather all kinds of data to indicate equipment health. Is the equipment running out of capacity? Is it low on fuel? Is there a problem with the disk drive? The shift in...

Fleet Management: The Shape of things to come…

Jul 13, 2014 • FeaturesFleet Technologygoogle carsfleet managementsmartvantelematics

The fleet management industry has seen some radical changes in recent years but the future promises to deliver innovations far beyond anything we have seen so far. Our friends at have been taking a closer look at the technologies that...


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