How efficiencies were driven home during the holidays

Jan 02, 2018 • FeaturesFleet TechnologyLCVDriver FatigueDVSAFleet ManagersHGVschedulingsergio barataSLAstelogisParts Pricing and Logistics

The most successful logistics managers (and sleigh based delivery drivers) were likely those who could turn to technology to cope with the busiest (and most wonderful) time of the year writes Sergio Barata, General Manager EMEA, Telogis

Prepare to meet your 2016 service KPIs

Oct 12, 2015 • Featuresfield service managementIFSservice KPIsSLAsSoftware and Apps

As our focus begins to shift towards next year planning it is important that we are able to assess and interpret the data we have gathered across the year, but your data is only as good as its application,  writes Tom Bowe, IFS


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