How the Age of Acceleration Is Changing the Business of Service...

Feb 12, 2018 • FeaturesAsset ManagementFuture of FIeld ServiceJoe KennyPredictive maintenanceDigital TwinIoTService MaxUber

By 2020, there will be more than seven connected devices for every person alive. Service providers must anticipate this new reality, the speed at which it’s emerging, and its impact on business models explains Joe Kenny, Vice President Global...

The Changing Face Of The Field Service Engineer (part 3)

Jan 23, 2018 • FeaturesAGeing WorkforceFuture of FIeld ServicemillenialsresearchResearchWorkforce Developmentfield serviceField Service Engineer TrainingGE DigitalService Max

For our latest research project, which we ran in partnership with ServiceMax from GE Digital our focus was to see what the field service engineer of the near future will look like. We are now into feature three of our online coverage of the findings...

Understanding and applying effective Change Management: Part Two Assessing the change (page two)

Sep 15, 2014 • managementCHange ManagementService MaxUncategorized

This is page two of this feature. If you arrived here first then click here to go to the beginning of the feature.

Understanding and applying effective Change Management: Part One What is Change Management?

Sep 01, 2014 • FeaturesManagementmanagementCHange ManagementService Max

The case for implementing a modern field service solution is well documented, the benefits clear and tangible. However the road to a successful implementation is fraught with challenges. Over the next few weeks we will be exploring this topic across...


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