ARCHIVE FOR THE ‘service-data-collection’ CATEGORY

The Benefits of Automating Asset and Service Data Collection and Utilisation

Oct 08, 2018 • FeaturesAsset ManagementFuture of FIeld Servicefield servicefield service managementGE DigitalService ManagementservicemaxServitizationThrough Life Engineering ServicesService Data CollectionManaging the Mobile Workforce

ServiceMax, a GE Digital company, has recently commissioned independent market research specialist Vanson Bourne to explore the trends around this topic and have recently published an executive summary on the findings of this research which is...

Building Site Surveys For Data Collection in the Field

Oct 04, 2018 • videoFeaturesManagementmanagementeBECSfield serviceService ManagementData CollectionService Data Collection

Kris Oldland, Editor-in-Chief, Field Service News is joined by Michael Smythe and Alice Walton from eBecs as they discuss how their clients are using their site assessment survey tool to collect key data from the field when their field service...


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