Key factors for manufacturing companies to invest in advanced services

Mar 05, 2018 • FeaturesManagementAdvanced Services GroupAnnick PerrymanufacturingNoventumServitizationValue ChangeServitization and Advanced Services

Annick Perry, Senior Project Manager, Noventum gives us some insight into the findings of a recent research project that Noventum and Aston Universities Advanced Services Group have undertaken to look at Advanced Services Trend within...

A Field Service Leaders Survival Guide For Dealing with Digital Transformation, Servitization, and Uberization

Feb 20, 2018 • FeaturesManagementAugmented RealitymanufacturingMichael BlumbergBlumberg Advisory Groupdigital disruptiondigitalisationIoTServitization

The digital revolution in the field service sector is continuing to move forward at pace, Michael Blumberg, Principal Consultant, Blumberg Advisory Group helps us keep track...

The Re-invention of Manufacturing is profoundly changing Field Service

Nov 02, 2015 • FeaturesManagementmanufacturingNick FrankServitization

The world of manufacturing is going through a seismic change with parallels being drawn to the industrial revolution. And as the trend of servitization takes seed the role of the field service engineer takes centre stage and is more important than...

The Big Debate: Servitization (part two)

Mar 19, 2015 • FeaturesAftermarketaston universityFuture of FIeld ServiceLelymanufacturingIFStim baines

At the recent AfterMarket conference in Amsterdam Field Service News Editor, Kris Oldland hosted a panel debate with three speakers key to servitization; Professor Tim Baines, Aston University a leading proponent of the movement, Brendan Viggers,...

The Big Debate: Servitization (part one)

Mar 09, 2015 • FeaturesAftermarketFuture of FIeld ServiceLelymanufacturingIFSServitizationtim baines

Servitization has been talked about for many years but all of a sudden it seems to be a key topic on the agenda of many manufacturing companies and also amongst may service based organisations as well. For those companies that tread the path being...

Ouch! Getting the profit/cost centre call wrong in your service business.

Dec 06, 2013 • FeaturesManagementcost centre to profit centremanagementmanufacturingNick Frankservice businessService Delivery

It can make or break your service business growth strategy, yet it’s surprising how many service leaders do not appreciate the impact a separate service P&L can have on changing the mind-set of their people.

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