How efficiencies were driven home during the holidays

Jan 02, 2018 • FeaturesFleet TechnologyLCVDriver FatigueDVSAFleet ManagersHGVschedulingsergio barataSLAstelogisParts Pricing and Logistics

The most successful logistics managers (and sleigh based delivery drivers) were likely those who could turn to technology to cope with the busiest (and most wonderful) time of the year writes Sergio Barata, General Manager EMEA, Telogis

Fleetmatics Partners with CheckedSafe to Offer Customers Daily Compliance Checks via a Digital App

Oct 26, 2017 • Fleet TechnologyNewsfleetmaticsCheckedSafeDVSAfleet managementGuy Fletcher

Since 1995, all heavy goods vehicles (HGV) and Public Service Vehicles (PSV) require a daily walk around check prior to service in the UK. Fleetmatics, a Verizon Company, has partnered with Lancashire based company CheckedSafe, to offer its digital...

A quarter of transport professionals say they don't have technology in place to benefit from DVSA earned recognition

Jan 18, 2017 • Fleet TechnologyNewsfleet technologyFTAMIcroliseDVSA

More than a quarter (27%) of transport professionals who attended the FTA Transport Manager events said they do not have the systems and technology in place to benefit from the DVSA’s Earned Recognition scheme; and a further 15% do not know if they...


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