How the Age of Acceleration Is Changing the Business of Service...

Feb 12, 2018 • FeaturesAsset ManagementFuture of FIeld ServiceJoe KennyPredictive maintenanceDigital TwinIoTService MaxUber

By 2020, there will be more than seven connected devices for every person alive. Service providers must anticipate this new reality, the speed at which it’s emerging, and its impact on business models explains Joe Kenny, Vice President Global...

Humans Need a Digital Twin to Hit Goal of Zero Unplanned Downtime

Nov 10, 2017 • FeaturesFuture of FIeld ServiceMark HomerDigital Twinservicemax

Digital Twins have a big role to play in field service management and will be essential for creating business intelligence writes Mark Homer at ServiceMax, a GE Digital Company


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