Something is up in the UK!

Sep 23, 2015 • FeaturesCranfieldbig dataCambridge Service AllianceEventsIoTServitizationThe Service CommunityThrough Life Engineering Services

September is a busy time for conferences, and if you are in the UK there's an opportunity to attend two very down to earth events. Here’s a preview by Nick Frank, who also reports on the latest developments in a campaign to re-invent manufacturing...

Event Preview: Field Service Solutions Theatre at the Service Management Expo - Day Two

May 15, 2015 • FeaturesCranfieldmillenialsPitney BowesEventsService Management Expotelogis

Running across the 16th, 17th and 18th of June the Service Management Expo remains one of Europe’s key field service events and Field Service News is pleased to be hosting the free educational sessions in the Field Service Solutions theatre once...


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