ARCHIVE FOR THE ‘bob-ashenbrenner’ CATEGORY

Webcast Excerpt: The Continuing Evolution of Rugged Mobile Computing

Jul 31, 2018 • FeaturesHardwareMobility solutionsXploreBob AshenbrennerCliff Adamsfield servicefield service managementRugged ComputingRugged HandheldsRugged laptopsrugged tabletService ManagementSteve Priestly

In this excerpt from a recent Field Service News webcast sponsored by rugged computing specialist Xplore Technologies FSN Editor-in-Chief, Kris Oldland is joined by Steve Priestly and Cliff Adams of Xplore and Bob Ashenbrenner of Durable Mobility...

Why So Many Mobility Projects are Stalling (Maybe Even Yours)?

Nov 01, 2017 • FeaturesHardwareXploreBob AshenbrennerruggedSandy McCaskySOTI

Ahead of an upcoming webinar with Field Service News, Xplore’s John Graff takes a look at why ultimately so many mobility projects fail to deliver the return on investment they promise...


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