Webcast Excerpt: The Continuing Evolution of Rugged Mobile Computing

Jul 31, 2018 • FeaturesHardwareMobility solutionsXploreBob AshenbrennerCliff Adamsfield servicefield service managementRugged ComputingRugged HandheldsRugged laptopsrugged tabletService ManagementSteve Priestly

In this excerpt from a recent Field Service News webcast sponsored by rugged computing specialist Xplore Technologies FSN Editor-in-Chief, Kris Oldland is joined by Steve Priestly and Cliff Adams of Xplore and Bob Ashenbrenner of Durable Mobility Technologies as they discuss some of the key questions around device choices field service organisations should be making including asking whether the lines between rugged and consumer are blurring, how to decide which form factor is right for your service technicians and just how often should field service companies be seeking to update the devices that they have deployed within the field.

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