Can business intelligence change the fragmented service management supply chain? (Part Two)

Jan 21, 2014 • FeaturesManagementmanagementbig databusiness intelligencecentrexcentrex servicesglyn doddService Management

In the first part of this two part feature Glyn Dodd, Managing director of Centrex Services discussed how with the current economic business pressure, reducing costs in the service management supply chain without compromising customer satisfaction...

The Big Data challenge: Leveraging analytics to make better business decisions and enhance field service performance

Dec 19, 2013 • FeaturesManagementFuture of FIeld ServiceMark Forrestbig datatrimble fsm

Big Data is a buzz word making its rounds across a variety of industries and the field service sector is no exception. Gartner defines Big Data as high-volume, high-velocity and high-variety information assets that demand cost-effective, innovative...

Are you up to date with the latest technologies that are shaping tomorrow's field service industry?

Nov 26, 2013 • FeaturesManagementmobile applicationsoptimised schedulingresourcesWhite Papers & eBooksbig datacloudservicemaxtablets

For any field service organisation there is often one simple key objective, to deliver excellent customer service whilst working as effectively as possible.

Big Data and Field Service

Nov 10, 2013 • FeaturesNewsFuture of FIeld Servicebig dataSoftware and AppsManaging the Mobile Workforce

It’s been one of the biggest buzz words in boardrooms across the globe now for a number of years and if you look across any technology website you are sure to find an article or two shouting about it’s apparent all encompassing power, but what...

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