Skedulo Launch Deskless Productivity Cloud

Apr 01, 2020 • Software & AppsNewsskedulodeskless

Firm says solution is first of its kind and can optimise work for 2.7 billion deskless workers.

The technology company Skedulo who create deskless product software says they have created the "industry's first deskless productivity cloud".


Deskless productivity software, the firms says, has been overlooked by other technology vendors whose digital transformation solutions will cover entire workforces but fail to recognise those in deskless occupations.

Eighty per cent of the global workforce, approximately 2.7 billion people work deskless which can be split into three categories: mobile deskless workers which includes service technicians; hybrid deskless workers - caregivers and facility service staff; and fixed-location deskless workers - retail employees and hospitality staff.

“Organizations are paying more attention to their frontline workforce – i.e., those who deal directly with customers or are closely involved in the production process." said Raul Castanon-Martinez, senior analyst, workforce productivity and collaboration at 451 Research. "These workers have traditionally remained outside the scope of IT and business communications, but increasingly organizations are prioritizing their role to improve business agility. We expect digital transformation initiatives to expand in 2020 where frontline workers will more directly drive business outcomes.”

The platform is underpinned with Dell's Boomi programme enabling flexible configuration with existing workflows and the software is currently experimenting with a dynamic messaging real-time communication tool.

Tim Haines, Senior Product Manager at Sunrun, a solar equipment company, has been able to upscale their operation after using the platform to supercede its manual, ad-hoc scheduling methods. "We can now dial into a specific solar advisor at a specific store ad compare their hours worked and performance against the rest of the time," he said.