SFG launch annual field service survey

Feb 21, 2019 • NewsmanagementSurvey

Research analyst firm, Strategies For Growth, has launched its 2019 field service management tracking survey and is looking for participants.

The 2019 survey is the fifth in a series of now annual benchmark tracking update surveys that provide an analysis of the key existing and emerging trends that characterise the global service market. 

Like past surveys, the 2019 version is a targeted, multiple choice questionnaire that should take less than 15 minutes to complete. All responses will remain strictly confidential, and will only be tabulated and reported in the aggregate. 

However, if respondents provide their name, title, company and e-mail address, then Strategies For Growth
 will be happy to forward a copy of the top line survey results in a complementary executive-level analysts take report to be published following the data collection and analysis.

Field Service News will be publishing the executive level results from the survey once the data has been collected and analysed later this year.

You can take part in the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2019_FSM