ServicePower announces new contract win with automotive appearance protection products company PermaPlate Inc.

May 15, 2015 • NewsautomotiveservicepowerSoftware and Appssoftware and apps

ServicePower Technologies have announced that it has signed a contract with a leading US based manufacturer and marketer of automotive appearance protection products, PermaPlate Inc., which will implement ServiceOperations to reduce administration, cut costs and improve the service levels delivered to customers.

PermaPlate, headquartered in Utah, manufactures and distributes appearance protection products which protect the interior and exterior surfaces of vehicles; it also underwrites vehicle appearance warranties. PermaPlate will use ServiceOperations to intelligently dispatch work to contractors in markets where service is required, as well as create robust claims payment authorisation processes for its experienced technician network.

PermaPlate works in a fiercely competitive sector and in order to improve services to customers it has enlisted ServicePower’s product and development teams to produce new features within the application which facilitate the discreet logic required to manage a network of 3rd party contractors so that they can deliver more competitive SLAs. Repair claims will also be managed through ServiceOperations, providing robust validation logic to the customer to enhance its warranty management process.

Victor Diercksen, Director of Business Technology, PermaPlate Inc., commented “Our dedication to quality products and superior customer service has driven growth of 50% year over year for the past 3 years.  Our growth was severely straining our legacy service management system which was in dire need of replacement.  We took this opportunity to upscale to an enterprise quality system like ServicePower to improve our service times while reducing or eliminating manual processes.  ServicePower is the latest in a series of investments in business systems that will allow PermaPlate to maintain its leadership position in the automotive appearance protection industry.”

We are really pleased to be working with another world-class organisation, in a new vertical, that sees the benefits of our cloud based, 3rd party ServiceOperations product.

Marne Martin, CEO, ServicePower, stated “We are really pleased to be working with another world-class organisation, in a new vertical, that sees the benefits of our cloud based, 3rd party ServiceOperations product. Using Operations, PermaPlate Inc. will be able to manage its resources intelligently and cost effectively to meet demand.


“PermaPlate benefits from our early investment in a completely industry agnostic, truly multi-tenant SaaS application in ServiceOperations, which continues to differentiate ServicePower from other Field Service Management vendors. We’re able to offer true hosted, intelligent, dynamic dispatch and warranty claim management to clients who utilise 3rd party contractors or vendor partners in their service delivery equations. Our team of field service experts provides the experience critical to our customers’ success by not only advising how best to set up the software, but by providing advice and industry best practices in  managing a connected, contracted workforce.

“With continued enhancements to ServiceOperations, part of our connected field management platform, which provides industry acknowledged scheduling optimisation, cutting edge mobile technology and asset tracking, robust business intelligence, M2M Connected Services and Smart Scheduling of mixed labor pools, ServicePower has positioned itself as not only a visionary, but as a field service management solution of choice to organisations which endeavour to operate most efficiently in today’s changing field service environment.”



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